Wednesday, 18 May 2016

infinityPV announce the launch of their latest OPV product on Kickstarter

HeLi-on is a the most compact solar charger using organic photovoltaic devices that fits in your pocket

9 Nov 2015 | Editor

inifintyPV states that the "HeLi-on" is the first solar charger using flexible polymer solar cells, also known as organic solar cells or OPVs. This technology is the result of more than fifteen years of research into a novel, flexible and lightweight solar cell. These solar panels have a very low environmental impact with neither toxic nor scarce materials used within the production process.

The flexible solar cells are printed directly on thin plastic foil using optimised printing machines. The solar panels are fabricated in large-scale and high-speed using printing machines similar to newspapers or packaging printing machines and do not need multi-million dollar facilities as used in traditional silicon PV technology.

The product just launched on Kickstarter, with a starting price of US$90 for the white edition, including solar panels, a 2,600 mAh battery, and free international shipping. See https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/infinitypv/heli-on


About infinityPV

infinityPV ApS is a Danish start-up company founded in 2014 by Frederik C. Krebs (CEO) along with 31 co-owners. infinityPV has no external funding partners and is owned equally by every co-owner. This makes infinityPV a company unlike most. It is a light structure that builds on being a movement of passionate individuals with a desire to follow the greatest ideas without any traditional boundaries. The operation is lean and the objective is to create a reliable and honest technology for a better world and for the service of people. The philosophy is to non-pretentiously focus on what matters through equality and to serve the end user well.

The core of infinityPV is printed electronics and in particular printed organic solar cells. infinityPV is based on several patents within the field of organic solar cells and holds a wide range of competencies in this area. We address a broad range of products ranging from solar panels over materials to characterization hardware. This product range springs from the academic roots of infinityPV, but is rapidly evolving. We intend to serve a board range of customers from universities, to businesses, to private individuals. Our general aim is to foster the development of printed organic electronics by introducing honest and innovative products to the market.

With 32 co-owners, where many have more than fifteen years’ experience within the field of PV science and technology, the set-up of infinityPV is unique. The co-owners cover the entire value chain for printed electronics products and provide the company with a broad range of knowledge and knowhow including chemists, material scientists, physicists, engineers, designers, electronics, technicians, printers, analysts, and administrators.

Source: infinityPV